Broken promises

Politics is about the provision of roads, water, drugs in hospitals, and schools for children. take the road from here, Parliament Buildings to Republic house. this road is so bad that if a pregnant woman travels on it, I am sure she will have a miscarriage!

Therefore the security of Uganda is their right and not a favour bestowed by any regime. No regime has a right to kill any citizen of this country, or to beat any citizen at a roadblock. We make it clear to our soldiers that if they abuse any citizen, the punishment they will receive will teach them a lesson. As for killing people -if you kill a citizen, you yourself will be killed.

During the 1966 crisis when Obote was quarrelling with Mutesa, Obote’s army massacred many people. If Mutesa is having a political quarrel with Obote, what does the population have to do with it and why kill them? I do not agree with the proverb that when two elephants fight, it is the grass that suffers. If the people are rioting you can arrest them and put them in prison. The government has a lot of power to deal with rioting people and means to control crowds without killing them.
Y. K. Museveni
The price of bad leadership
Address to elders in Gulu at Acholi Inn, March 12, 1986

Let me take this opportunity to reiterate what I have said many times before, that the NRM is fully committed to the rule of law, the protection of human rights, and the independence of the judiciary. Our country has gone through a traumatic experience for the last twenty or so years, mainly because Obote and Amin had no respect for the rule of law. Their soldiers and security agents had become a law unto themselves because they could murder, rape, and rob with impunity. The liberation war we fought was to restore the dignity and inviolability of the person of every Ugandan and to protect his property. Nobody has the right to take away a persons life, freedom or property except within the due process of the law.
Law is important for the preservation of order and good government. A society without laws would soon degenerate into anarchy and cease to be worthy of living in. A society with bad laws, on the other hand, is equally dangerous because it is oppressive and dispiriting.
Y.K Museveni
Colonial versus Modern Law
Speech at a law seminar in Kampala, January 12 1987

The NRM is not a party like the UPC or DP. Every Ugandan should join the National Resistance Movement to restore the country to normality. This is the aim and purpose to NRM: to unite everybody in order to solve this national crisis that is before us. Once we have solved our national crisis, if you want to go back to your politics of dividing the country, you can do so after the interim period. We shall hand over to you. If you want to tear it up again, it is upto you. In the interim period, however, it is our view that we must suspend the politics of DP, UPC, and so forth and practice the politics of unity for the first time in the history of our country.
Y.K. Museveni
The price of bad leadership
Address to elders in Gulu at Acholi Inn, March 12, 1986




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